Friday September 16th - 11:30PM

Paid or Pain ft Bonnie McFarlane, Shuli Egar, James Mattern
Tired of being tortured by bad comedy? Terrible comedy should be punishable! In this unique comedy show, comedians perform and the audience decides if they should be PAID cash or administered PAIN by a Dominatrix.

Hosts Jay Nog and Mehran Khaghani are the ringleaders of this three ring circus of comedy, punishment and prizes! Four young stand-up comedians brave the judgement of the crowd and our panel of special guests. But the challenge doesn't end there. By audience vote, YOU decide if the comedian had a good set and gets PAID or had a bad set and gets PAIN dished out by our professional dominatrix. Plus fun, games and plenty of prizes from our sponsors. All taped LIVE for SiriusXM

Special Guests
Shuli Egar, Bonnie McFarlane, James Mattern

Dominatrix: Lady Zombie

Max Sprinzeles
Mike Merkovich
Heather Height
Dean Gemmell