Kevin, originally from Philadelphia – now in New York City, is a stand up comic who is on stage every night telling jokes. He is quickly becoming an audience favorite with his easy going yet straight forward point of view. His jokes topics include everything from daily interactions with strangers to how his self esteem is so low that he is no longer in his own dreams. In 2015 Kevin made his television debut on ‘Gotham Comedy Live” on AXS TV and was also selected to participate in the Boston Comedy Festival.
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Tickets For Upcoming Shows
- Mon | January 6th - 7:00PM | Midtown
- Kevin Ryan, Ashley Austin Morris, Brendan Sagalow, Max Antonucci
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingKevin RyanAshley Austin MorrisBrendan SagalowMax Antonucci
- Mon | January 6th - 8:00PM | East Village
- Kevin Ryan, Ashley Austin Morris, Brendan Sagalow, Monroe Martin
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingKevin RyanAshley Austin MorrisBrendan SagalowMonroe Martin