Tom Cassidy is a comedian from Philadelphia, based in New York City. His debut stand-up album funnymatic reached #1 on the iTunes comedy chart. Tom was the lead producer for the first season of Danny’s House on Vice TV, has been featured on Adult Swim programming including Mostly for Millennials and was a writer for The F-Spot With Derrick Beckles. Tom turned his 2nd Album 'LIFE AFTER FUNNY' into a youtube special in 2022. His new Pilot SNOWDANCE is also out now on Youtube!
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Tickets For Upcoming Shows
- Fri | January 24th - 7:00PM | Midtown
- Mike Cannon, Erin Jackson, Dave Temple, Tom Cassidy
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingMike CannonErin JacksonDave TempleTom Cassidy
- Fri | January 24th - 9:15PM | Midtown
- Dean Edwards, Adrienne Iapalucci, Richie Redding, Tom Cassidy
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingDean EdwardsAdrienne IapalucciRichie ReddingTom Cassidy
- Fri | January 24th - 11:30PM | Midtown
- Robby Slowik, Tom Cassidy, Ja-Ron Young, Stewart Fullerton
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingRobby SlowikTom CassidyJa-Ron YoungStewart FullertonTurner Sparks