Upcoming Comedy Shows
- Wed | March 26th - 8:00PM | East Village
- Good Eggs ft: Jay Jurden, Gary Vider, Matt Ruby, Pat Burtscher, Brittany Brave, Maddie Wiener
- It's time for GOOD EGGS! Time Out NY called it "one of the best weekly shows in the city" and Thrillist said it's "one of the best underground comedy shows in NYC." Presented by Mark Normand, Gary Vider, and Matt Ruby - who often perform in the lineup - it's an unmissable NYC comedy-scene staple and one of the longest-running independently produced comedy shows in town. Past surprise guests include Jim Gaffigan, Hannibal Burress, Sarah Silverman, Aziz Ansari, and Anthony Jeselnik.FeaturingJay JurdenGary ViderMatt RubyPat BurtscherBrittany BraveMaddie Wiener
- Wed | March 26th - 10:30PM | East Village
- Maddy Smith, Jon Fisch, Talent Harris Jr
- Wondering what to do in the East Village? Our New York stand up comedy showcase is one of the most fun things to do on a weeknight! From a casual date night to a spontaneous friends night out, you can’t miss with an incredible stand up show that will become a great conversation piece over drinks or dinner later tonight and a favorite memory for years to come!FeaturingJon FischMaddy SmithTalent Harris Jr
- Thu | March 27th - 8:00PM | East Village
- Mike Britt, Mia Jackson, Neko White, Rachel Williams
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingMike BrittMia JacksonNeko WhiteRachel Williams
- Thu | March 27th - 10:15PM | East Village
- Vlad Camaano, Kevin Ryan, Jenny Zigrino, Rachel Williams
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingKevin RyanVlad CamaanoJenny ZigrinoRachel Williams
- Fri | March 28th - 8:00PM | East Village
- Mike Britt, Mike Cannon, Liz Barrett, Phil Duckett
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingMike BrittMike CannonLiz BarrettPhil Duckett
- Fri | March 28th - 10:30PM | East Village
- Phil Duckett, Mike Britt, Mike Cannon, Liz Barrett
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingMike BrittMike CannonLiz BarrettPhil Duckett
- Sat | March 29th - 5:30PM | East Village
- Vinny Guadagnino, Aaron Berg, Mahesh Kotagi, Michele Durante
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingAaron BergVinny GuadagninoMahesh KotagiMichele Durante
- Sat | March 29th - 8:00PM | East Village
- Ted Alexandro, Mike Britt, Casey Balsham, Tom Cassidy
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingTed AlexandroMike BrittCasey BalshamTom Cassidy
- Sat | March 29th - 10:30PM | East Village
- Leonard Ouzts, Mike Britt, Tom Cassidy
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingMike BrittLeonard OuztsTom Cassidy
- Sun | March 30th - 5:30PM | East Village
- Comedy Mob Open Mic
- Wildly popular and thoroughly unpredictable, New York City comedy collective Comedy Mob brings their Open Mic to New York Comedy Club on East 4th Street every Sunday evening at 5:30 PM. Think you're funny (enuff)? Want to take a turn at the mic? Check out the “Perform with us” link on their website: www.ComedyMob.com
- Sun | March 30th - 8:00PM | East Village
- In Rhythm ft: Sydney Duncan, JC Mendoza, Phil Duckett, Samantha Santos, Kendall Relf
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingSydney DuncanJC MendozaPhil DuckettSamantha SantosKendall Relf
- Sun | March 30th - 9:45PM | East Village
- New Jokes & Newbies
- If a band practices in a garage, where does a comedian practice?... Right here!Take a peek into the "garage" as veterans work on new material and fresh faced comics polish up their acts. The lineup is a surprise and changes nightly - you never know who you're gonna see!
- Mon | March 31st - 8:00PM | East Village
- Josh Adam Meyers, Andrew Collin, Liz Glazer
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingAndrew CollinJosh Adam MeyersLiz Glazer
- Mon | March 31st - 9:45PM | East Village
- New Jokes & Newbies
- If a band practices in a garage, where does a comedian practice?... Right here!Take a peek into the "garage" as veterans work on new material and fresh faced comics polish up their acts. The lineup is a surprise and changes nightly - you never know who you're gonna see!
- Tue | April 1st - 8:00PM | East Village
- Nice Try ft: Michael Kosta, Ashley Austin Morris, Ophira Eisenberg, Jourdain Fisher
- In this unique and hilarious weekly show, professional comics try out new material in front of a live audience for the first time ever. NICE TRY is the brainchild of Michael Kosta – a Daily Show correspondent and stand-up comedy vet - and you're invited to stop by, have a drink, and see how the comedy get's made. FeaturingMichael KostaAshley Austin MorrisOphira EisenbergJourdain Fisher
- Tue | April 1st - 10:30PM | East Village
- Ashley Austin Morris, Ayanna Dookie, Gastor Almonte, Austin Nasso, Jamie Wolf
- Wondering what to do in the East Village? Our New York stand up comedy showcase is one of the most fun things to do on a weeknight! From a casual date night to a spontaneous friends night out, you can’t miss with an incredible stand up show that will become a great conversation piece over drinks or dinner later tonight and a favorite memory for years to come!FeaturingAshley Austin MorrisAyanna DookieGastor AlmonteAustin NassoJamie Wolf
- Wed | April 2nd - 8:00PM | East Village
- Good Eggs Presented by Mark Normand, Gary Vider, Matt Ruby
- It's time for GOOD EGGS! Time Out NY called it "one of the best weekly shows in the city" and Thrillist said it's "one of the best underground comedy shows in NYC." Presented by Mark Normand, Gary Vider, and Matt Ruby - who often perform in the lineup - it's an unmissable NYC comedy-scene staple and one of the longest-running independently produced comedy shows in town. Past surprise guests include Jim Gaffigan, Hannibal Burress, Sarah Silverman, Aziz Ansari, and Anthony Jeselnik.
- Wed | April 2nd - 10:30PM | East Village
- New York Comedy Club Presents
- Wondering what to do in the East Village? Our New York stand up comedy showcase is one of the most fun things to do on a weeknight! From a casual date night to a spontaneous friends night out, you can’t miss with an incredible stand up show that will become a great conversation piece over drinks or dinner later tonight and a favorite memory for years to come!
- Thu | April 3rd - 8:00PM | East Village
- New York Comedy Club Presents
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.
- Thu | April 3rd - 10:15PM | East Village
- New York Comedy Club Presents
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.