Upcoming Comedy Shows
- Fri | March 28th - 6:15PM | Upper West Side
- Alingon Mitra, Phil Duckett, Napoleon Emill, Caroline Hanes
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingAlingon MitraPhil DuckettNapoleon EmillCaroline Hanes
- Fri | March 28th - 8:30PM | Upper West Side
- Ashley Austin Morris, Alingon Mitra, Monroe Martin
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingAshley Austin MorrisAlingon MitraMonroe Martin
- Fri | March 28th - 10:45PM | Upper West Side
- Ethan Simmons-Patterson, Ashley Austin Morris, Liz Miele, Monroe Martin
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingAshley Austin MorrisEthan Simmons-PattersonLiz MieleMonroe Martin
- Sat | March 29th - 4:00PM
- Matinee with Ry Daddy - Curtis Sterling Birthday Show
- It’s never too early for Comedy! Join us for the quintessential New York City Comedy experience. Our matinee presents a mix of citywide stars, club favorites, and fresh faces so you can kick off your evening with a lot of laughs!
- Sat | March 29th - 4:00PM | Upper West Side
- Matinee with Ry Daddy ft: Ryan Dacalos, Daniel Simonsen, Henry Sir, Shivani Dave, Gibran Saleem
- It’s never too early to get your comedy fix! Skip out of work early and join us for this "matinee" mix of fresh faces, club faves, and citywide stars.
- Sat | March 29th - 6:15PM | Upper West Side
- JJ Mattise, Tom Cassidy, Mahesh Kotagi, Riley Lassin
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingJJ MattiseTom CassidyMahesh KotagiRiley Lassin
- Sat | March 29th - 8:30PM | Upper West Side
- Seaton Smith, Alex Pavone, Kenice Mobley, Jill Weiner
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingSeaton SmithAlex PavoneKenice MobleyJill Weiner
- Sat | March 29th - 10:45PM | Upper West Side
- Seaton Smith, Alex Pavone, Kenice Mobley, Jill Weiner
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingSeaton SmithAlex PavoneKenice MobleyJill Weiner
- Sun | March 30th - 6:00PM | Upper West Side
- Laughing Buddha Comedy ft: Jeff Lawrence, Zach McGovern, Daryn Passarello, Dylan O’Keeffe, Tanner Simon, Danny Palmer, and more!
- See NYC’s top up-and-coming comedians performing alongside headliners.FeaturingJeff LawrenceZach McGovernDaryn PassarelloDylan O’KeeffeTanner SimonDanny Palmer
- Sun | March 30th - 8:30PM | Upper West Side
- Vinny Guadagnino, Isiah Kelly, Reg Thomas, Kate Sisk
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingVinny GuadagninoIsiah KellyReg ThomasKate SiskPranav BehariMichael P Good
- Mon | March 31st - 7:30PM | Upper West Side
- Good Eggs Presented by Mark Normand, Gary Vider, Matt Ruby
- It's time for GOOD EGGS! Time Out NY called it "one of the best weekly shows in the city" and Thrillist said it's "one of the best underground comedy shows in NYC." Presented by Mark Normand, Gary Vider, and Matt Ruby - who often perform in the lineup - it's an unmissable NYC comedy-scene staple and one of the longest-running independently produced comedy shows in town. Past surprise guests include Jim Gaffigan, Hannibal Burress, Sarah Silverman, Aziz Ansari, and Anthony Jeselnik.
- Mon | March 31st - 10:00PM | Upper West Side
- Usama Siddiquee, Eric Neumann, Mia Jackson, Greg Stone
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingEric NeumannUsama SiddiqueeMia JacksonGreg Stone
- Tue | April 1st - 7:30PM | Upper West Side
- Lucas Zelnick, Simeon Goodson, Ayanna Dookie, Caitlin Peluffo, Austin Nasso
- Get the authentic NYC stand-up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hot-shot celebrity drop-ins, national and international touring comics, and more surprises!FeaturingSimeon GoodsonLucas ZelnickAyanna DookieCaitlin PeluffoAustin Nasso
- Tue | April 1st - 9:45PM | Upper West Side
- Ophira Eisenberg, Jourdain Fisher, Jared Waters, Gastor Almonte
- Get the authentic NYC stand-up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hot-shot celebrity drop-ins, national and international touring comics, and more surprises!FeaturingOphira EisenbergJared WatersJourdain FisherGastor Almonte
- Wed | April 2nd - 7:30PM | Upper West Side
- The BoyFriends
- Get the authentic NYC stand-up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hot-shot celebrity drop-ins, national and international touring comics, and more surprises!
- Wed | April 2nd - 9:45PM | Upper West Side
- Chloe Radcliffe, Anthony DeVito, Aidan Bishop
- Get the authentic NYC stand-up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hot-shot celebrity drop-ins, national and international touring comics, and more surprises!FeaturingChloe RadcliffeAnthony DeVitoAidan Bishop
- Thu | April 3rd - 7:30PM | Upper West Side
- New York Comedy Club Presents
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.
- Thu | April 3rd - 9:45PM | Upper West Side
- New York Comedy Club Presents
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.
- Fri | April 4th - 6:15PM | Upper West Side
- New York Comedy Club Presents
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.
- Fri | April 4th - 8:30PM | Upper West Side
- New York Comedy Club Presents
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.