In this unique and hilarious weekly show, professional comics try out new material in front of a live audience for the first time ever. NICE TRY is the brainchild of Michael Kosta – a Daily Show correspondent and stand-up comedy vet - and you're invited to stop by, have a drink, and see how the comedy get's made.
Michael Kosta
Mike Vecchione
Ashley Austin Morris
Dave Ross
Liz Barrett
Nathan Macintosh
Wondering what to do in the East Village? Our New York stand up comedy showcase is one of the most fun things to do on a weeknight! From a casual date night to a spontaneous friends night out, you can’t miss with an incredible stand up show that will become a great conversation piece over drinks or dinner later tonight and a favorite memory for years to come!FeaturingRell BattleChris MetcalfeJade Catta- PretaAndy HaynesOscar Aydin